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The Ulysses Club is a social club for motorcyclists over the age of 40 with the Head Office located in Sydney. The Melbourne Branch covers the greater metropolitan area of Melbourne. There are other branches in different areas of the city. See the "Calendar" or "Ride Section" for details of our weekly Sunday rides and weekends away, as well as other social functions. Our rides start from various points around the city and may also be viewed in the "Ride Section".


Please note that you do not need to  be a current financial member of the Ulysses Club to access this website. You do however need to be a financial member of Ulysses Club Inc to gain a login and make contributions to the site and to view private information of the Branch.


Members wishing to gain a login to this site will need to provide their Member Number which will be confirmed by the administration before access is provided.


If you are already a Ulysses Club Member click on the "Join Now" button below to request login access to this website. If you have already got your login simply log in.

​The Ulysses Club National Website...

The Ulysses Club also maintains a national website which provides a range of information and services for use by members. Once you are a member you may become affiliated with any branch or branches for rides and social events.

To join the Ulysses Club click on the button below, or to view the Ulysses National Website click on this link

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